William Murphy


Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

306-966-2769 wmurphy@edwards.usask.ca

25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Dr. William H. Murphy is Associate Professor at the Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan.  Dr. Murphy is a frequent speaker in Asia; for over fifteen years he has held a Visiting Scholar appointment at the highly rated Shanghai-based CEIBS (Jiaotong University, Mingang, Shanghai, P.R.C.).  In addition to a professed love of teaching, Professor Murphy is an active researcher.   On a personal note, Dr. Murphy enjoys taking long evening walks and traveling with his wife as well as athletic pursuits including running and badminton; he is a former member of the U.S. Badminton National Team.  Many details for Dr. Murphy can be found at his personal website:  http://williamhmurphy.com


I have taught at both undergraduate and graduate levels, in classes ranging from Introduction to Marketing, Marketing Research, Sales Management, Marketing Strategy and International Business.  I have been the recipient of: MBA Student Society Professor of the Year Award 2010-2011,  MBA Student Society Professor of the Year Award 2009-2010, Favorite Instructor Award (2006), the Dean's Academic Staff Excellence in Teaching Award (2005) and the MKT Professor of the Year Award (2002). I have also engaged students in honours programs, particularly in the area of sales management and international business.  My entrepreneurial focus has led to numerous present and former students seeking my advice and ongoing consultation in developing business ventures.  More information on my teaching, including evaluations and comments from students can be found at williamhmurphy.com

Recent Publications

Refereed Publications

Li, N., & W. H. Murphy (2021), "Making Better Foreign Friendships: The Effects of Increased Culturally Diversity in Alliance Portfolios and Portfolio Configuration Decisions on Firm Performance
", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Issue Pending.

Murphy, W. H. & G. Wilson (2021), "Dynamic Capabilities and Stakeholder Theory Explanation of Superior Performance Among Award-Winning Hospitals," International Journal of Healthcare Management, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/20479700.2020.1870356] .

Farrag, D. A. R., Murphy, W. H., & Hassan, M. (2020), "Influence of category attitudes on the relationship between SERVQUAL and satisfaction in Islamic banks; the role of disruptive societal-level events," Journal of Islamic Marketing. ISSN: 1759-0833.

Gao, R. (Chuang Rang), W. H. Murphy, & R. Anderson (2020), "Transformational Leadership Effects on Salespeople's Attitudes, Striving, and Performance," Journal of Business Research, 110, 237-245.

Murphy, W. H., I. Golgeci, & D. A.
Johnston (2019), "Power-based behaviors between supply chain partners of diverse national and organizational cultures: The crucial role of boundary spanners’ cultural intelligence on choosing superior behaviors,"
_Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35, (2), 204 – 218.

Ning Li and William H. Murphy (2018), "Religious Affiliation, Religiosity, and Academic Performance of University Students: Campus Life Implications for U.S. Universities," Religion & Education, accepted for publication October 26, 2017.

Gölgeci, Ismail, William H. Murphy, and David A. Johnston (2017), "Power-based behaviors in supply chains and their effects on relational satisfaction: A fresh perspective and directions for research." European Management Journal, available online April.

Murphy, William H., and Denis Leonard (2016), "Quality management (QM) Leads to Healthier Small Businesses," Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23, 4, 1104 – 1119.  Note: Since Q4 2016 publication, this paper has been downloaded over 3,500 times and discussed at length in the official Baldrige blog of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Murphy, William H. (2016), “Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Quality Management (QM) Research (1990–2014): A Revealing Look at QM’s Vital Role in Making SMEs Stronger,” Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 -16 |DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2016.1166554

Murphy, William H., and Ning Li (2015), “Government, company, and dyadic factors affecting key account management performance in China: Propositions to provoke research. Industrial Marketing Management, 51, 115-121.

Murphy, William H., and Ning Li (2015), “Key Account Management in China: Insights from a Chinese Supplier,” Journal of Business Research, 68, 6, 1234 – 1241.

Murphy, William H. and Ning Li (2012), “A Multi-Nation Study of Sales Manager Effectiveness with Global Implications,” Industrial Marketing Management (41, 7, 1152 -1163. 

Li, Ning and William H. Murphy (2012), “A Three Country Study of Unethical Sales Behaviors,” Journal of Business Ethics, (DOI) 10.1007/s10551-012-1203-z.

Murphy, William H. (2010), "An Inside Look at how Target Ensures Quality in a Complex Supply Chain," Feature article in Quality Progress, June, 22 - 29.


Murphy, William H. (2010), Doing Good Work Matters!, Tate Publishing, LLC, Mustang, Oklahoma.

Murphy, William H. (2010), Teaching Materials for Doing Good Work Matters!, accessed at williamhmurphy.com.


Murphy, William H. (2007 - Present), williamhmurphy.com launched and maintained, with resources added regularly for marketing students and marketing professionals.


I am actively involved in research projects spanning the areas of sales force management, ethics, international business, six sigma/total quality management, among others.  I have published in a number of journals including Journal of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Force Management, Marketing Research, Quality World, and the Journal of Higher Education for Business and I have written cases for a leading sales force management textbook. 

As a way to stay at the leading edge on a variety of research streams and to provide service to the field, I also serve on the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management and Industrial Marketing Management and I am a member of the AMA (American Marketing Association) and the EMA (European Marketing Academy).

More information on my research, including pdfs of some recent work can be found at williamhmurphy.com


I frequently conduct executive training courses in Personal Selling, Sales Management and Key Account Management and I have co-taught programs in Marketing Strategy and Brand Building on the Web. Across my experiences I have provided both open programs and in-house programs for select clients. My clients have included major insurance carriers in China, companies in high technology sectors, and pharmaceuticals, among others. In my sales and marketing executive training sessions, I have always received 6+ scores on 7 point evaluations.

More information on my consulting activities can be found at williamhmurphy.com